Top 5 Vietnam tourist 2012 - 2013

On December 12, Vietnam was introduced as an ideal destinations for coming holiday by Lonely Planet Traveller Magazine. Ha Long Bay, Sa Pa, Hoi An are considered as tourist attractions that cannot be missed.

1.Ha Long Bay: the most beautiful seashore.

Lonely Planet Traveller knows well about the legend related to Ha Long Bay: “once upon a time, a friendly dragon lived with people in the sky of Ha Long Bay. When the invaders came from other beaches, the Jade Emperor sent the Dragon down to the earth with the duty of making a natural barrier to protect Vietnamese. The dragon landed along the seashore, which made big rocks like fish scales. Now it becomes one of seven wonders in the world”.

Islands on Ha Long bay have different shapes. The famous islands here consist of: Hon Con Coc, Hon Trong Mai, Ngoc Vung island, Ti Top island, Tuan Chau island. Interestingly, when visitors come here after exploring islands and cave systems, they can stay overnight on seawater – cruisers in Ha Long bay.

2.Hanoi: an ideal capital for exploring

Skipping the noise of horn and overcrowded streets in rush hour, Hanoi is a friendly and safe city with quiet old town. Especially, there are streets named after the traditional trade villages here. Moreover, enjoying street food in Hanoi is very interesting.
3.Sa Pa: the best walking tourist attraction

Lonely Planet Traveller refers to Sa pa as the city of weather wheel with 4 seasons a day. Fog can cover all space in early morning, the sunshine is bright at midday, sometimes, there is a drizzling rain in the sunset and it is cold in the evening.

There is nowhere but Sa pa having the world-class landscapes with the distant mountains, the tottery terraced fields, colorful flowers, the sound of pan-pipe and passionate songs, bustling highland market-days…

4.Hoi An: the best place for enjoying cuisine
Hoi An is a small town with big meals. In early morning, stepping to streets, you can smell the fragrance of coffee mingled with the good smell of baked meat and sauce. The harmonization of yin and yang and the balance of hot - cold, meat - vegetable, sour – sweet – salted and other spices are the typical feature in Hoi An cuisine. Although the dishes are simple, you only enjoy one time, you will remember forever as the way you remember the friendliness of people here.
5.Mekong delta: a place to experience life of waterways

Tay Nam Bo is famous for isles full of fruits like: rambutan, pomelo, mango, star-apple, plum… However, visitors not only want to enjoy nature and fruits, but also explore the lives of people in that nature, especially the scene of market-day in Cai Be, Cai Rang floating markets….

On each boat, people set up a pole and hang goods they want to sell on that pole. Taking a glance, it is easy for buyers to see goods they need to buy. The scene of trading at floating market is bustling.

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