Sunshine and Wind in Quy Nhon-Binh Dinh

Binh Dinh province has a coastline of 134km and blessed with numerous landscape and remarkable beaches: Qui Nhon beach, Ghenh Rang, Hai Giang, Nhon Ly, Phu Hau, Trung Luong, Vinh Hoi, Tan Thanh, Mui Rong-Tan Phung, Tam Quan…

Almost beaches are relatively flat with white sand, blue water sea, covered with sunshine and stunning scenery. Managers here have invested to build those into the tours as well as organize various types of attractive tourism such as: bathing, marine ecotourism, diving, flying kite, fishing…
A resort situated  on the foreshore of Quy Nhon City

Sea Gull Hotel on the foreshore

Tourists visit the beautifully golden sand hills on the foreshore.
The sandy hills spreading like a vast desert 

In addition to the golden sandy beaches, Quy Nhon has pristine and windy sea area.

Fishing boats on the beach of Nhon Hai Commune, Quy Nhon City
The luxury resorts and hotels along the coast grow more and more and gradually asserted brands such as: Life Resort ( Long beach), Royal resort- Quy Nhon, Saigon-Quy Nhon hotel, Hai Au hotel and others under construction such as: Vinh Hoi resort (ITC group-US), Hai Giang( Vincom group)..

In addition to majestic landscape, remarkable beaches, Quy Nhon is also attractive with many small islands along the coast,. bays, lagoons, estuaries, sand dunes, mangroves as well as rich and diverse coral reefs.

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